Make the devil meditate
'“If you meditate and the Devil comes, make the Devil meditate”.
I think every single person who meditates can relate to the tendency to stop the practice at those times when we need it the most. When we find ourselves in the pressure cooker, when the pitch fork is right on our tail keeping us moving deeper and deeper into the searing flames. The first thing we think is “I don’t have time to meditate, the devils on my arse”. We keep moving, thinking “when im clear of this, and the skies have cleared and the daisies are in bloom, then i’ll meditate”.
It’s easy to meditate when everything is sweet and rosy. The path of a warrior is to meditate on the battle field of life. This has the power to turn the tide in our favour. By sitting in the fire, the flames of hell become the flames of purification and we can embrace the upgrade we’re receiving.